Wind Energy Generating Systems

Wind energy is plentiful, renewable, widely distributed, clean and reduces greenhouse gas emissions when it displaces fossil-fuel-derived electricity. Therefore, it is considered by experts to be more environmentally friendly than many other energy sources.



What do  you need for a Wind Generator?

A wind turbine is not necessarily suitable for all locations or all people. We make every effort to ensure that our customers have appropriate locations and are totally at ease with their decision . .

Before considering a wind turbine further, you will need three crucial resources to ensure success.

  • Land. We recommend it is not normally sited within 75m of neighbouring homes and not within 50m of the owners’ home. It should also be sited away from any obstacles such as trees and buildings which might obstruct prevailing winds.
  • Wind. Good prevailing winds are essential. Renergy can provide a professional wind assessment to ensure peace of mind.  Annual mean wind speeds should ideally be above 5.0 m/s (10 mph).
  • Investment. A fully installed wind turbine is a reasonable investment. Depending on application, your cost can be reduced due to government incentives, tax rebates, feed in tariffs etc.

Renergy Limited works with top UK and Swiss manufacturers for the supply of wind turbines which are ideally suited for our climatic conditions.  We can provide a full site assessment and oversee your project from design to handing over stage, ensuring peace of mind and top quality service throughout.
